About us

Have you ever dreamed of sleeping in Napoleon’s palace? Are you passionate about wines, gastronomic products and specialties?

Histouring is the website you have been waiting for!

We are a tourism website that guides you through the discovery of historical, cultural and gastronomic destinations. You will find more than 1.000 Italian and foreign locations providing accommodation and restaurants.

The idea at the heart of this project came from a passion for history. We realized that the majority of tourist websites only offer a list of places and buildings, without going into detail about their distinctive historical features.

Our main goal is to create the most complete web portal in this field and to be the reference point for anyone, like you, interested in unique destinations where history can be lived with family and friends.

With Histouring it’s easy to find castels, abbeys, monasteries, palaces, mills, libraries, shops and wineries thanks to our easy-to-use and constantly updated search engine.

Our Team is always available to provide you with more information about the website or the suggested destination. Contact us