Historical figure Dondi dell'Orologio

Born in: 0  - Died in: 0
The Dondi dall'Orologio (sometimes Dondi dall'Orologio, Dondirologi, or simply Dondi Orologio) were an aristocratic Paduan family, ascribed to the Venetian patriciate. There are some sources regarding the origins of this family: some believe that the Dondi dall'Orologio originated from ancient Rome, and had settled in a Roman colony in Parma, others consider them to be originally from Cremona. All sources agree that they have settled in Padua in quite remote times.

The progenitor would still be identified in Chioggiotto Jacopo Dondi, a physician, astronomer and watchmaker who, together with his son Giovanni, was the inventor and builder of the mechanical astronomical clock of the homonymous tower located in Padua, and perhaps also of that of the Tower. of Sant'Andrea in Chioggia. Their descendants were therefore called "Dondi dall'Orologio".

Combined with the Paduan nobility, this family financially supported the war efforts of the Republic of Venice during the war against the Ottoman armies of the Sublime Porta for control of the island of Candia: in 1657 a branch of the Dondi was welcomed in the ranks of the Venetian nobility and admitted to the Maggior Consiglio. A branch of the family that became part of the Paduan nobility on June 29, 1626, was awarded the marquess title by the King of Poland John III in 1676 (confirmed by the Veneto government in 1698). A third branch, that of the Dondi from the Amai clock, was instead aggregated to the noble council of Padua in 1626.

With the advent of Austrian dominion in Veneto, all the branches of the Dondi from the Clock family were recognized as having noble status with Sovereign Resolutions, dated 1 January and 4 September 1818, 24 November 1820 and 1 February 1821.

Dondi dell'Orologio Visited places

Villa Ca' Orologio

 Via Ca’ Orologio, 7 - 35030 Baone - Padua

Villa Ca'Orologio is located in Baone, a municipality that stands on the southern slopes of the Euganean Hills and whose name derives from the festivals in honor of Bacchus that took place in... see

Offered services

Apartments / Rooms for rent / Bed&Breakfast, Location for Ceremonies and Conferences, Shop / Historical Product

Time period

Italy, Padua