From the castle of Romena, today in the territory of Pratovecchio, took its name, starting from the Count Aghinolfo of Guido Guerra III, one of the branches of the Counts Guidi di Modigliana, who said Guidi di Romena but also from Monte Granelli and Raginopoli. The sons of Aghinolfo I, Guido, Alessandro and their third brother, became famous to be remembered by Dante in canto XXX of the Inferno as forgers of the gold florin that for them he married Maestro Adamo da Brescia.
From Count Guido d'Aghinolfo I was born Aghinolfo II count of Romena, whose testament was made in 1338 where six or seven children were named, including a Count Alberto, a Count Guido Uberto di Romena and Monte Granelli, a Bandino (Ildebrandino) bishop of Arezzo. To one of those sons of Count Aghinolfo II, was born the count Piero di Romena recalled with his cousin Conte Bandino in two contracts of 14 and 21 October 1357, when they sold to the Municipality of Florence the castle, district and jurisdiction of Romena including three others property for the price of 9600 florins of Florentine coinage. This time not those of master Adam.
The assignment was ratified by the Lords and Colleges of the Florentine Republic, by provision of October 23, 1357. As a result of the sale, the Signoria of Florence approved the exemption for 5 years from all duties, taxes and provisions of the inhabitants of Romena and its district , with the obligation to buy more from the Commune of Florence the salt necessary for their consumption, and declared that the estima of the Castle and territory of Romena rose to the sum of 150 florins of gold a year to be paid after the five-year period of tax exemption. The two accounts, on the other hand, were received in perpetual lodgings and paid by the Signoria with the obligation of the prize. The same sale of the Castle of Romena was also confirmed with a subsequent contract dated 24 April 1381 by Count Niccolò, son of the Count Bandino. One of the last counts of Romena was that Count Roberto del Conte Giovanni di Monte Granelli, who on June 10, 1410, when he was in Monte Granelli, appointed one of his representatives to go to Florence to present the usual palio on the morning of the feast of St. John. .