The Angelica Library, founded in 1604 by the Augustinian bishop Angelo Rocca, is the first European library open to the public. The ancient collection is estimated at about 120,000 volumes relating mainly to Augustinian thought and the history... See
Time period 1600s
Where Italy, Rome
The Vatican Apostolic Library is housed in the Apostolic Palace and is certainly among the most important in the world: commissioned by Sixtus IV in 1475, the Library is a destination for scholars of every continent who come here to conduct their... See
Historical figure Francesco della Rovere
Time period 1400s
Where Vatican City, Rome
The Capitolare Library of Verona is located in the architectural complex of the Cathedral of Verona and is considered the oldest library in the world still in operation. See
Time period Middle Ages
Where Italy, Verona
The Casanatense Library is a library set up by the Dominican fathers of the Convent of S. Maria sopra Minerva in Rome in 1701, at the behest of Cardinal Girolamo Casanate. From a first nucleus of over 25,000 volumes it has expanded over time to... See
Time period 1700s
The Bertoliana Civic Library, inaugurated at the beginning of the 18th century, is the oldest and most important library in the city (the third in the Veneto region in importance after the Marciana National Library of Venice and the University... See
Historical figure Antonio Fogazzaro
Where Italy, Vicenza
The ancient and prestigious library of the Camaldolese monks of Ravenna, built between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries by Abbot Pietro Canneti, is one of the most important libraries in the country; among cloisters, large baroque halls,... See
Time period 1600s 1700s
Where Italy, Ravenna
The Hertziana Library, part of the German research institute Max Planck, is based in Rome at Palazzo Zuccari. Founded in 1913, it collects more than 300,000 volumes and a photo library with over 800,000 photographs, making it one of the most... See
Time period 1900s
The first example of a civic library in Italy and in Europe, the Malatesta Library in Cesena, commissioned by Malatesta Novello and built by architect Matteo Nuti in the mid-fifteenth century, is also the only medieval library that has now been... See
Historical figure Barnaba Chiaromonti
Where Italy, Cesena
The Laurentian Library of Florence is a library built in the sixteenth century by the will of Pope Clement VII and enriched by Lorenzo the Magnificent. Designed by Michelangelo, it preserves one of the largest collections of manuscripts in the... See
Historical figure Bartolomeo Ammannati, Cosimo I de' Medici, Giorgio Vasari, Giulio de' Medici, Michelangelo Buonarrotti
Time period 1500s
Where Italy, Florence
The Braidense National Library, one of the largest Italian libraries, was founded in 1770 by the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria from the bottom of Count Pertusati. Located in the prestigious Palazzo di Brera complex, today it has manuscripts,... See
Historical figure Maria Teresa d'Asburgo
Where Italy, Milan
The Marciana Library is located in Piazza San Marco, between the Campanile and the Mint, and is the most important library in Venice, as well as one of the largest in Italy, built following the donation of the Greek cardinal Bessarione, who in... See
Historical figure Bartolomeo Ammannati, Basilio Bessarione, Jacopo Robusti, Jacopo Sansovino, Paolo Caliari, Tiziano Vecellio others 1...
Where Italy, Venice
The Salaborsa Library, inaugurated in 2001, is located inside Palazzo d'Accursio, the former seat of the Municipality overlooking the central Neptune, an area that has undergone many changes over the centuries, as you can see under the transparent... See
Where Italy, Bologna
The Teresian Library is a historical library commissioned by the Austrian Empress Maria Teresa in 1780. An indispensable destination for all bibliophiles and lovers and ancient readings, it is located in the former Jesuits' convent in via Roberto... See
Where Italy, Mantova
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