Historical figure Di Prampero

Born in: 0  - Died in: 0
Pramperch, Prampergum, Prantpero, Prantperch, Pramberch, Prampero di Magnano on the Riviera. Germanic toponym ascribable to the domination in Friuli of the patriarchs of Aquileia of German origin. From medieval German brand, place deforested with fire, and berg, originally rock, then mountain, then castle (2). This toponym designated a hill, a castle and a village of the morainic amphitheater, in the territory between the Torre and Tagliamento rivers contiguous to the Roman centuriation, but excluded from it. According to the feudal use of investitures, the toponym became the name of the family, uninterruptedly and still today the owner of the castle.

From the lineage of the lords of Gemona, of which the cradle was the castle of Gemona and which appear in the history of Friuli since 1090, the counts of Prampero descend for uninterrupted genealogy, which dates back to 1130. The lords of Gemona, ministerial, vassals of the Patriarch of Aquileia, had with the lords of Arcano, Cuccanea and Spilimbergo special honorary charges, at the court of the prince Patriarch.

Shield Castellana family of Friuli, ministerial of the patriarch of Aquileia since the Ghibelline patriarchate. He had the right to a voice in the General Parliament of Friuli, from its origins to the repeal (1805). Over the centuries he gave numerous and distinguished men of arms, of study, of government. Nobili (mf), Conti (m), Lords of Prampero and Ravistagno and attached villas (m). Silver and black party shield, motto Honor et virtus.

Di Prampero Visited places

Castello di Prampero

 Via del Castello - 33010 Magnano in Riviera - Udine

Castello di Prampero is a medieval castle located in the municipality of Magno in Riviera, in the Province of Udine. This ancient castle, according to some scholars, arises where, before its... see

Time period
Middle Ages

Italy, Udine