Historical figure Ottone I di Sassonia

Born in: 912  - Died in: 973
Son of Emperor Henry I of Saxony, Otto was crowned king of Germany in Aachen in 936. After taming a dangerous princely uprising led by his brother Henry and the Duke of Franconia (939), he tore control of Lorraine to the Carolingian Ludwig IV. In order to better assure the bases of his power in Germany he distributed the most important duchies (Lorraine, Bavaria and Swabia) to members of his lineage. In 951 he went down to Italy where he defeated Berengario and had himself crowned in Pavia. Back in Germany, he had to counter the rebellion of his son Liudolfo (953).

With Otto began the Drang nach Osten (the push towards the east) political and not only economic-settlement of the Germans: hardly defeated the Hungarians in the battle of Lechfeld (955) the king went to Elba where he reported numerous victories on the autochthonous slave populations . In the meantime, leaning on the great secular and above all ecclesiastical lords (bishops and abbots of the empire), he consolidated his power in Germany. In 961 he descended again to Italy where he finally defeated and deposed Berengario d'Ivrea.

He then headed, as an ally, to Rome where, at the beginning of 962, he made himself crowned Western emperor. Remained in Italy, two years later he deposed Pope John XII, considered too favorable to Berengario II. In 967 he returned to Italy both to have his son Otto II crowned and in view of military actions against the Lombards and Byzantines of southern Italy. These actions, even though they did not achieve any success on the field, allowed him to negotiate his son's marriage with the Byzantine princess Theophan. In the course of his reign, Otto always endeavored to intensify his ties with all the leaders of the ecclesiastical apparatus, also developing their territorial power. Stable within itself, the Ottonian kingdom also managed to organize an effective defense of the eastern border against Slavs and Hungarians.

Ottone I di Sassonia Visited places

Albergo Diffuso Crispolti

 Via Vittorio Emanuele, 16 - 2010 Labro - Rieti
Albergo diffuso/Historic hamlet

Albergo Diffuso Crispolti is located in the heart of the medieval village of Labro: an accommodation facility carefully restored and furnished with taste and elegance, composed of 7 units all with... see

Offered services


Time period
Middle Ages

, Rieti

Castello di Montignano

 Località Montignano, 6 - 6056 Massa Martana - Perugia

The Castle of Montignano is an ancient castle dating back to before the year One thousand transformed into a receptive location of the highest level, with 13 rooms equipped with every modern... see

Offered services

Apartments / Rooms for rent / Bed&Breakfast, Hotel, Location for Ceremonies and Conferences, Restaurant, Wellness Center / SPA

Time period
Middle Ages

Italy, Perugia

Castello di Pavone

 Via dietro Castello - 10018 Pavone Canavese - Turin

Considered among the most beautiful in Italy, the Castello di Pavone is an ancient fortress now restored to accommodate a 4-star hotel restaurant not far from Turin. The Castle offers classic... see

Offered services

Hotel, Restaurant

Time period
Middle Ages

Italy, Turin

Castello di Zumelle

 Via San Donà, 4 - 32026 Mel - Belluno

The Castle of Zumelle, full of charm and crossroads of medieval stories, stands in a valley inserted in the naturalistic environment of Valbelluna. see

Offered services

Apartments / Rooms for rent / Bed&Breakfast, Bar / Café, Location for Ceremonies and Conferences, Restaurant

Time period
Middle Ages

Italy, Belluno