Historical figure Poppone Degli Ottocari

Born in: 1000  - Died in: 1045
The younger son of Count Ozi of the noble family of the Ottocari of Styria and Irenburga, Poppone grew up in Bavaria, where he received his education. He was named Patriarch of Aquileia in 1019 by Henry II, who accompanied during the expedition to southern Italy - and in particular in the failed siege of Troy, the new fortress of the Byzantine captain of Italy Basilio Boioannes - in 1022.

Putative nephew of the Count of Pordenone, Poppone was most likely a natural nephew of Emperor Conrad II, who granted the Patriarch a vast territory, which went from the Isonzo to the Livenza, thus creating the Patriarchal State. The Emperor also granted him the right to collect taxes and the power to coin money, which was silver money, of the same value as the Veronese lira.

Poppone worked for the reconstruction of Aquileia and Cividale, commissioning the construction of great works to give prestige to his patriarchate, he also engaged in the fortification of the passes and the reopening of the traffic of merchandise. He contributed to the development of the feudal system in Friuli, increasing fiefdoms and castles, and fostering the spiritual life and reconstruction of churches and monasteries. We owe to Poppone the reconstruction of the Basilica of Aquileia (1031) and the construction of the imposing bell tower.

At the helm of his army, he increased his temporal dominion and tried to increase the prestige of his episcopate to the detriment of the Patriarch of Grado, who attempted to subjugate assaulting the island of Grado in 1024, storming its fortifications, plundering it of all wealth and installing until Venice managed to chase him by putting pressure on Corrado II. The consequences of this act led Poppone to commit savage crimes, attack again Grado, burning homes and churches, looting the little he had left in previous raids and breaking the altars in sacrilegious sign. Poppone obtained however from Pope John XIX the dependence of Grado from the Episcopal see of Aquileia, even if only momentarily, since Pope Benedict IX in 1044 will revoke this right. Poppo will again assault Grado, but he will be captured by the doge of Venice Domenico Contarini who will make him starve.

On behalf of Corrado II he held prisoner in Piacenza in 1037 Ariberto da Intimiano, archbishop of Milan, convicted in Pavia for excess of power.

Poppone died prisoner of the Venetians in 1045.

Poppone Degli Ottocari Visited places

Castello di Prampero

 Via del Castello - 33010 Magnano in Riviera - Udine

Castello di Prampero is a medieval castle located in the municipality of Magno in Riviera, in the Province of Udine. This ancient castle, according to some scholars, arises where, before its... see

Time period
Middle Ages

Italy, Udine

Castello di Susans

  - 33030 Majano - Udine
Castle/Fortress/Tower, Wedding/Convention/Concert location

On the top of the hill of Susans, in the middle of a picturesque landscape, dominate the four mighty towers of the castle of Susans. see

Offered services

Location for Ceremonies and Conferences, Park / Labyrinth / Pond / Garden

Time period
Middle Ages

Italy, Udine