Mes Caprices Wépion B&B

Chaussée de Dinant, 924 - 5100 Namur - Namur   see map - Contact
Mes Caprices Wepion B&B is a perfect option in Namur for special stays, suitable for both families and business travelers. The property is located just minutes from Namur expo and the city center. Guests of Mes Caprices Wepion B&B are accommodated in rooms equipped with every modern comfort. Rooms offer panoramic mountain or river views. In a welcoming and family atmosphere, you can enjoy a variety of dishes accompanied by an excellent selection of beers. On-site sport activities include hiking and fishing.

Mes Caprices Wépion B&B History

Mes Caprices Wépion B&B

Time period
  • 1900s
  • Belgium, Namur
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Mes Caprices Wépion B&B
  Chaussée de Dinant, 924 - 5100 Namur
  +32 489 129714

Mes Caprices Wépion B&B
Offered services

Apartments / Rooms for rent / Bed&Breakfast Apartments / Rooms for rent / Bed&Breakfast

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