Tram Torino Linea 7

Piazza Castello, - 10121 Torino - Turin   see map - Contact
Line 7 was inaugurated on March 28, 2011; its service was due to end in November 2011 with the end of the celebrations of the Unification of Italy, but from 1 September 2012, after a change of route implemented on 1 December 2011, the line was confirmed in the transport network of the subalpine city. It is only managed on Saturdays and on holidays, as well as in some specific periods with high tourist numbers; the tariffs in force are those of ordinary urban lines.

Tram Torino Linea 7 History

On the occasion of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the association has been the promoter of a transport-cultural initiative: the creation of the tramway line 7, managed only with historic cars. The first and only case in Italy of this kind of initiative, resumes similar projects already implemented in other cities of the world such as San Francisco, Dallas, Santos, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Stockholm and Porto.
This line, inaugurated in March 2011, was born from the idea of ​​re-proposing to tourists and Turin the ancient "Linea dei Viali" that was in Turin between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. The historic line 7, called at the time "circular G", was inaugurated on April 15, 1893 and had as its end Piazza Statuto. The route crossed the great avenues of Turin showing some of the most important tourist attractions of the city.

The cars used today for the historic line 7 date back to the 1930s and have been completely restored, but have retained the original parts allowing to appreciate the beauty and charm of this ancient means of transport. The interiors are made of wood and the large windows make you enjoy the full view of the city.

The historic line 7 has maintained the same route as the ancient circular G with the sole exception of Piazza Solferino, where today there are no longer the tracks for the passage of the tram. The tour, which starts from the Gran Madre, passes from Piazza Vittorio, then from Via Po to Piazza Castello and then continues on Via Pietro Micca and Corso Vittorio Emanuele. In short, a real "moving museum" for Turin that will allow you to appreciate the architecture of the city and the various tourist attractions comfortably seated in a tram that is almost one hundred years old.

Often you will also find on the tram some volunteers who offer a guided tour with free offer, telling stories and anecdotes related to the places, monuments and buildings that can be seen during the tour of the tram 7.

The Historic Line 7 will make you take a real journey through time in the heart of Turin. An opportunity not to be missed!

€ 1.50 (same price as all Turin public transport)

Hours and Days:
Saturday from 9.30 to 19.30 (1 ride per hour)
Sunday and holidays from 9.30 to 19.30 (1 ride per hour in the morning, 1 ride every half hour in the afternoon).
There are no rides during the week.

Tram Torino Linea 7

Time period
  • 1900s
  • Italy, Turin
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Tram Torino Linea 7
  Piazza Castello, - 10121 Torino

Tram Torino Linea 7
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