Vincenzo Scamozzi was born in Vicenza in 1552. The son of a building contractor, he received his first training from his father Giandomenico and already at the age of 26 he designed his first masterpiece, Villa Pisani in Lonigo. A pupil of Palladio and a great architectural theorist, he outlined his principles in the treatise "The idea of universal architecture", composed of a dozen books that cover all the issues inherent in designing, forming a personal architectural language based on scientific principles.
As well as in the North of Italy, Scamozzi's activities also extended abroad, both with works such as the bishop's palace in Salzburg and with several trips to the Central European environments of France, Germany and Austria, leaving a deep mark also in architecture of northern Europe, in particular in the Netherlands of the 17th and 18th centuries.
In addition to a considerable number of works, mainly located in the Vicenza area, Scamozzi completed some of the works begun by Palladio such as the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza and was also the first to design a public museum in Europe, the Statuario della Repubblica di Venezia.