
Strada Statale Pasubio, 6 - 36030 Costabissara - Vicenza   see map - Contact
Loison Pasticceri since 1938 is a confectionery artisan company founded in 1938 by the family of the same name. Starting from a simple shop, it has also become famous abroad for the production of Christmas and Easter cakes.

Loison History

In the 1920s Tranquillo Loison worked as an apprentice in a bakery in Bastia di Rovolon (Pd). In 1934 he opened a wood-burning oven for baking in Motta di Costabissara. In those years, bread was a fundamental food, but when people started asking for something sweeter and more tasty, Tranquillo started making focaccia with figs and raisins.

Alessandro Loison, the son of Tranquillo, began working in the family business at the age of 9. When Tranquillo was called to arms, Alessandro was left with his mother and some helpers to take care of the oven. At the age of 18, Alessandro began to produce and sell to bars and families in the area, in addition to bread, also packs of spreads, wedding cakes and fresh pastries. This new activity immediately proved to be far more profitable than the sale of bread, as with only one pasty Alessandro earned as much as with a kilo of bread.

From 1955 Alessandro began to specialize in producing and selling panettone and pandori, even producing 60 kilos a day. In 1958 he married Bruna Alba, who would have played an important role in the management of the company: her husband was in charge of the commercial sector, distribution and accounting, while she directed the production trend, she was responsible for packaging, packaging and warehouse management.

In 1960 Alessandro replaced his father and started the confectionery line, beginning to pack the products obtained from the use of the first machinery and destined to the grocery stores in the area and to the only direct selling point of Motta (fraction of Costabissara) in front of the church in the village. Soon a single oven to make bread and one to produce pastries was no longer enough: it was decided to install a new large laboratory, in order to allow the increase in production. In 1969 the business moved to its current location in the industrial area of ​​Costabissara. In the '70s were built the current offices and homes and in 1975 was built a last shed. Finally in 1983 all the buildings were unified, going from the initial 1700 meters to the current 2500 meters.

Over time it had also evolved the way of distributing the product: Alessandro passed from the bicycle to the Fiat Topolino, which allowed him to expand the number of customers, even reaching the Altopiano d'Asiago. In 1969 the company began to distribute its products throughout the Veneto region.

Nel 1992 subentrò in azienda Dario, il figlio di Alessandro, con pregresse competenze commerciali all'estero. Grazie a lui la Dolciaria Loison iniziò ad esportare i suoi prodotti all'estero affermandosi come un'azienda del Made in Italy. Attualmente il piccolo laboratorio artigiano vicentino esporta quasi il 50% del suo fatturato annuale in oltre 30 paesi, tra i quali i più importanti sono Gran Bretagna, Francia, Germania, Spagna, Stati Uniti, Canada, Corea, Giappone, Sudafrica, Etiopia.

Gli elementi principali che caratterizzano le sue produzioni sono legati innanzitutto all'utilizzo di materie prime altamente selezionate, tra cui alcune quasi introvabili appartenenti ai Presidi Slow Food (come il Mandarino Tardivo di Ciaculli e la Vaniglia naturale Mananara del Madagascar), protetti dall'omonima associazione per la ridottissima quantità prodotta e disponibile sul mercato. A questo si aggiunge una lievitazione lentissima con lievito madre naturale a bassa acidità e raffreddamento non forzato ed infine un packaging curato nei minimi particolari, con pregiati tessuti accuratamente progettati e selezionati da Sonia Pilla, moglie di Dario Loison.

Nel 2014 Loison pasticceri inaugura il Loison Museum, museo d'azienda in cui sono custoditi antichi macchinari di pasticceria, strumenti, utensili, libri e documenti che raccontano la storia della panificazione e della pasticceria d'autore. Un viaggio nell'Arte Bianca e nella tradizione dolciaria artigiana.

Il Museo è visitabile su prenotazione:  http://museum.loison.com/  -  museum@loison.com


Time period
  • 1900s
  • Italy, Vicenza
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  Strada Statale Pasubio, 6 - 36030 Costabissara
  +39 0444 557844

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