The Rocca Roveresca di Mondavio is one of the most important Renaissance fortifications in the Marche. Inside the fortress there is the historical re-enactment museum, where scenes of Renaissance life have been reconstructed, through plaster mannequins dressed in period costumes and rooms with period furnishings.
Rocca Roveresca di Mondavio History
Unlike many other fortresses of the Martini, the fortress of Mondavio has come down to our days in an excellent state of conservation (although it has been renovated several times), having never suffered attacks or sieges. The majestic fortress looks like a real war machine, in which every shape and structure has been designed to withstand the attacks launched with the weapons of the time: both with jet weapons (catapults, trebuchets) and with weapons by fire, which began to spread in those years. The presence of the keep dominates the entire structure both for its size and for its particular shape. A walkway is connected to the keep, protected by a small tower, which leads to a massive semi-circular tower, joined with a bridge with two entrance ravines. Seen from above, the walkway and the semi-circular tower form the figure of a crossbow. This architectural extravagance can be considered the very signature of Francesco di Giorgio Martini.
The fortress is in excellent condition, it was designed by Martini for Giovanni della Rovere, lord of Senigallia and vicar of Mondavio and completed around the last decade of the 15th century. The building is perhaps the highest example of military architecture theorized by the architect in his Treaties.
The majestic fortress is dominated by the presence of the keep, the sharp edges and the large wall thicknesses. The entire complex is fortified by high scarp walls that rise above a large moat.
The current interiors largely correspond to the original structure.
The historical re-enactment museum is housed on four of the five floors of the fortress: The entrance is on the third floor where there were four defensive positions.
On the second floor there was the kitchen which still today shows the original 1400 oven. On the first floor there are: the torture room, the weapons "factory" and the horse stable which today is very small but could then contain many horses. .
On the fourth floor there is the magnificent dining room that with wax statues represents the banquet in honor of the marriage between Giovanni della Rovere, owner of the Rocca di Mondavio and Giovanna daughter of the lord of the Urbino palace. In this representation it is noteworthy the way in which the participants are dressed: the guests belonging to the same family are dressed in clothes of the same color.
On the fifth and last floor there is the defense post and the armory which is totally composed of weapons and armor from the 1400s.