Teatro Verdi Trieste

Riva Tre Novembre, 1 - 34121 Trieste - Trieste   see map - Contact
The Giuseppe Verdi opera house is the main theater in Trieste. It was built on a private initiative between 1798 and 1801. The original project was by Giannantonio Selva, also designer of the Fenice of Venice, to whom the interiors are due. Matteo Pertsch took over the assignment later and mainly dealt with the facades. In the main facade the influence of Giuseppe Piermarini, Pertsch teacher and designer of the Scala in Milan is evident.

Teatro Verdi Trieste History

The final arrangement of the room is due to the restorations of 1882-1884 which took place under the direction of Eugenio Geiringer. On this occasion, the current decorations of the hall were also created (by Josef Horwath), while the building was extended at the rear with the creation of the current post facade which incorporates the design of the main one.

It was inaugurated under the name Teatro Nuovo and was then called Teatro Grande (1820), later Teatro Comunale (1861) and finally Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Verdi (1901).

In 1861 the municipality of Trieste became the owner of the building, which changed its name to the Municipal Theater.

On January 27, 1901 it was named after Giuseppe Verdi by decision with an extraordinary resolution of the city council, convened on the night of the great composer's death.

The theater was subject to various maintenance and restoration works, the most important in 1881, thanks to which the capacity of the theater was increased, and in 1889.

The last restoration took place between 1991 and 1997.

It is known throughout Europe for the international Operetta Festival

Teatro Verdi Trieste

Time period
  • 1800s
  • Italy, Trieste
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Teatro Verdi Trieste
  Riva Tre Novembre, 1 - 34121 Trieste
  +39 040 67 22 111

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